If you are seeking high quality care for your pain, we can help:
Conditions we treat:
Back Pain, Neck Pain, Joint Pain, Neuropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, CRPS/RSD, Failed Surgery, Headaches, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Trigeminal Neuropathy,
A Multifaceted Approach
AdvanceXing Pain and Rehabilitation Clinic provides quality treatment and care for individuals suffering from muscular-skeletal chronic pain and nerve pain. Other Aspects of AdvanceXing care include:
An interdisciplinary approach to Pain Management
When possible, starting with less invasive treatments
Augmenting initial treatment with additional therapies if needed
Coordinating care with referring physician and other specialists
Attention to Detail
Superior treatment begins with a thorough assessment and diagnosis including:
A thorough review of patient records
Documenting a detailed patient history
Diagnostic imaging (if appropriate)
Nerve Conduction Study (if appropriate)
Personalized Care
AdvanceXing Pain and Rehabilitation Clinic will ensure that all treatment options are discussed at your visit to ensure that we provide the best treatment plan is in place for your needs. Here are a few examples:
Physical Therapy
Acute/Chronic Pain Medication Management
Anti-Inflammatory medication
Therapeutic Massage
Joint Injections
Trigger Point Injections
Spinal Cord Stimulator
Pain Pumps
VR for Work Comp Cases
Surgical intervention
Not all pain is the same!