Our Vision

Eliminate or minimize patients’ chronic pain, maximizing their quality of life, using the AdvanceXing treatment method.


What is the AdvanceXing treatment method? Its “A SECRET”! 

With the launch of the AdvanceXing website, Dr. Xing decided to reveal the AdvanceXing Secret:


A – AdvanceXing care means constantly looking ways to improve via new techniques and methods by keeping abreast of the latest in scientific research.


S – Safe care: The Hippocratic Oath taken by all physicians is to “first do no harm”. Whenever there are multiple equally effective treatment options, AdvanceXing providers always choose the safest option. AdvanceXing’s philosophy is to start with the least invasive and least costly treatments for the specific condition. If a potential treatment options has risks, they will be disclosed and discussed with the patient so they can make a fully informed decision weighing the potential risks and benefits.

E – Effective care: AdvanceXing Pain and Rehabilitation Clinic is a multidisciplinary clinic where all legitimate treatment options for patients are available. If the service isn’t directly provided by AdvanceXing Pain and Rehabilitation Clinic, you will be referred to a trusted AdvanceXing partner organization who provides that service.



C – Compassionate care will be provided at AdvanceXing Pain and Rehabilitation Clinic. Our providers listen to our patients and do everything in our power to see that they get first class, high quality treatment.

R – Rapid: The vast majority of new patients are seen within one or at most two weeks from the day the prospective patient first calls to make an appointment. Exceptions to this policy are very rare.

E – Efficient: AdvanceXing’s goal is to minimize and if possible permanently cure your pain as quickly and efficiently as possible. A special caution needs to be given to Automobile Accident Patients – watch your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) balance! Your PIP is a finite resource. You need to use that money to restore any lost function and fully recover.

T – Tailored: AdvanceXing creates an individualized treatment plan customized to your unique and specific needs. We are not a cookie cutter, one size fits all, volume shop. Our goal is high quality patient care and that takes time.
